You realize you are stuck. Your thoughts are queuing.... and you cant get out of the mind whirlwind.
Several days, weeks and months have passed and you cannot bring yourself to make a decision. Or even just to see clearly where you want to go and where you want to end up. No matter what your situation is right now. For example, you might feel that your career ladder is missing one or more levels or that the ladder has suddenly ended unexpectedly. It could also be that you are unhappy in your current relationship and that you feel that your spouse is only bringing you the leftovers of him/herself. You may experience anxiety when you think about your next day at the office, etc. There are countless situations in which we feel that we are stuck or spinning around. A life coach can help you get more clarity and a more objective view of your current situation and the different options. You will be challenged to look at your current situation from different perspectives. You are being challenged to see multidimensionally. This clarity gives you an orientation. Your compass will be realigned. In addition, you will talk to your life coach about the various options, challenges and goals. The first step towards easiness and growth is always to realize that you are not satisfied with the current situation and you want to go somewhere else. The next step is implementation. Your hand reaching to your cell phone or the handset of a phone and to contact a life coach.
Pick yours wisely. The relationship with a life coach is deep and trust-based. And there are hundreds of us. Some are professional, good and successful, for others it is more of a hobby. You will quickly notice whether it fits or not. After the first preliminary talk, in which you explain your situation and the job of the coach is being clarified, you are welcome to take a few days or of course make an appointment directly. This is entirely up to you.
At the beginning of my career as a life coach, I always advised my clients to sleep a few more nights. Now I am ready to accept that a client wants to make an appointment immediately after the preliminary talk.
The duration of a life coaching process varies depending on the situation. It also depends on the client, how fast and how deep he/she wants to work. At this point it should be mentioned that one life coaching session alone mostly is not enough. There will be some eye-opening experiences during the preliminary talk already and, depending on the extent, they will take some time to be processed. Give your newly developed mindset time to settle.
Then a very exciting time for my clients is following. The time of implementation, of action. The work is now on the client. Most of the time it is good to imagine to be like a sponge that soaks up all impressions towards the desired direction. Consume a lot of content and be inspired. This is another step in the right direction and this can and should be enjoyed!
And the most important thing is that you don't focus on the problem, but on the solution and the desired outcome.
Have fun getting inspiration, discovering your options and enjoy being in the state of a sponge!